Our inability to overcome our weakness of spending so much time regretting and resenting the past or worrying about the future defines one of the fundamental sources of our unhappiness. With absolute awareness, we must focus on the present moments of our lives in order to be happy and successful.

There has never been, there isn't, and there will never be any royal road to the land of success. Hence, the best, easiest, and most effective means to failure is to quit.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

As we emerge from over a decade of civil upheaval that atrociously shattered the lives and property of many Liberians, and left the future of our youths and posterity very tenuous, the reconstruction and re-stabilization of the Liberian society is a priority that cannot be ignored, a task that cannot be delayed, a need that cannot be over emphasized, and an undertaking worth the collective efforts of all Liberians unheeded of any socio-cultural or ethno-political affiliations.


  1. I agree. Now that God has blessed us to come to this strange country, we can take advantage of that and do well for ourselves. Then we can give back to our home country. Furthermore, even countries that are facing povety. I hope you will be elected as president, God Willing.
