As Liberians struggle to once again put their torn lives together, the actualization of total peace and security remains the undying hope of every peace loving Liberian. However, such state of peace and security does not exist in stupor; it is a function of an inward adherence to, and outward application of, the core principles of mutual co-existence by the very Liberians. Education, social consciousness, in depth analysis of our cultural and traditional norms, sincere reconciliation, productive collaborations, and a true sense of patriotism, are few of the many core-values that will help bedrock the foundation for a burgeoning and durable peace amongst Liberians.
Hence, the recent violence in Lofa leaves one to ponder as to whether Liberians will ever make the leap from this VISION PEACE to an ACTION PEACE. As a peace-loving human being, and/or concerned citizen of Liberia, what would you suggest as a starting point to finding an amicable and lasting solution to the problems in war-ravaged Liberia?
Education but with a twist of social awareness will help.
ReplyDeleteThe Liberian nation must be perceived in context of a boat with many generational passengers including the elderly, middle aged,youth and children-and unless all accept the fragments of reality that individual security is contingent upon collective security by ensuring that this boat unconditionally dock savely,the boat will definitely capsize thus drowning all of its crew as well as occupants.