Our inability to overcome our weakness of spending so much time regretting and resenting the past or worrying about the future defines one of the fundamental sources of our unhappiness. With absolute awareness, we must focus on the present moments of our lives in order to be happy and successful.

There has never been, there isn't, and there will never be any royal road to the land of success. Hence, the best, easiest, and most effective means to failure is to quit.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Mama! All that you have always been to me, all that you are to me, and all that you will continuously be to me remain such a profound and special blessing for me; the reward of which only the Lord can afford.
No amount of “thank you” and “love you” will ever be sufficient to express my true appreciation for the unmatched support, unconditional love, and undivided attention you have continuously offered me.
All through my life-long journey, you have always been by my side as my best friend, counselor, and confidant – showering me with any and every outstanding quality that anyone could possibly dream of and long for in a Mama. During the darkest days of my life, you have always been my sunshine – blessing me with your warm touch, enlightening me with your unfading wisdom against all odds, safe-guiding me through the highs and lows of life, preparing me adequately to overcome and succeed at any of life’s challenging endeavors, and painlessly transforming my darkness into very productive and lasting moments.
Yes! I remember those long, heart-breaking, lonely, and miserable nights of my life – when everything seemed absolutely meaningless, you were a true meaning to my life; when the whole world seemed to neglect and forsake me, you surrounded me with total comfort and consolation; when my purpose in life became very illusive, you showed me the way forward through your short pointed stories that made my life so simple, objective, and purposeful; and when everyone else gave me a vote of “no confidence” and declared me “good-for-nothing”, you relentlessly believed in me with deep passion, soured your knees in prayers for me, and constantly reminded me that the sky is the limit, and am the best the world has ever seen.
Mama! I write you with a very remorseful and pardon-seeking heart for every painful memory I have caused you from the very first day of our encounter to present. I deeply apologize for the times when I spoke back and did not listen when I should have remained quiet and attentive, for the times when I refused to speak when you demanded an answer, for the times when I disobeyed when I should have followed your instructions, for the moments when I brought you humiliation instead of pride and dignity, and for those embarrassing moments that only a Mama like you could bear.
Mama! If you were to give me an entire world of ink and paper, it still would not sufficiently contain the historical memories of the many blessings you are to me, and the outstanding attributes that give me maximum honor to proudly call you Mama.
As they say, great and powerful are those who patiently and sincerely lead others to the great attainments of life; hopeful are those who give others hope and tell them “YES” – even when the entire world is saying “NO”; loving are those who pass on the best of their love to others – even when it means losing their lives; and honorable are those who see and cultivate honor in others – even when the whole world does not. And you “Mama”! You are an embodiment of everything – leadership, greatness, hope, love, mercy, power, honor, pride, dignity, and the list goes on.
I am REALLY PROUD OF YOU MAMA. You are indeed the best thing that has ever happened to me. As the legendary Prince Nico puts it: “Sweet Mother! I nah go forget you, for all the suffer you dey suffer for me”! Yes indeed, Mama! I will never forget you. Mama! I am humbled by your presence in my life. I am extremely grateful for the times and efforts you have pricelessly invested in my upbringing and ultimate wellbeing. As a child, I totally agree that I must obey you so that my “days may be long and productive”; and I strongly believe that my “paradise lies beneath your feet”. Mama! You surely hold the keys to my happiness and eternal bliss.
I consider every second, every minute, every hour, and every day of my life a special moment just because of you, Mama. I would do anything for you, Mama. I would go any length to ease your pain and put a smile across your face, Mama. I would jump through any hurdles to make you stand tall and speak proudly amongst your peers, Mama. If the whole world came any closer to my depth of gratitude for you, I would give you the world Mama.
For risking your life and forsaking your lifetime career and passion only to help me become the man/woman I am today, I could not be more grateful Mama. For all the times you denied yourself food and water only for me to have something to eat and drink, I could not be more appreciative Mama. For the numerous times you neglected yourself only to provide for me and ensure my wellbeing, I say “Thank you” Mama.
Time and again, I proudly add my voice to those of generations before me, those of current generations all across the globe, and those of generations yet to come, in solemn appreciation for you, Mama. And so, on this special day, I pray to the Lord to grant you health, long life and prosperity so that you will enjoy the fruit of your hand work. And on this special day, Mama, I just want to say “Happy Mother’s Day” to you.

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